Expert Author Antonius Block

Land and Freedom is a British drama, directed by the English left-wing director Ken Loach, with a script written by playwright Jim Allen. His and Ken Loach's Marxist, Trotskyist, and anti-Stalinist orientations are evidently present in the film, although it is arguably the theme of Stalinist repression of anti-franquist communist and anarchist militias in Spain during the Civil War, to be mainly portrayed. In the end, given the several disputes and scuffles between the various anti-Franco factions, we wonder, with the director: What is the point to all this?

The story develops through flashbacks, and it recounts of a David Carr, a British unemployed member of the Communist Party from Liverpool, who decides to go and fight the cause of the anti-franquist movement in the Spanish Civil War. The narration takes place through some letters Carr wrote, newspaper clippings, and other documents he collected, found and read by his granddaughter, right after his death. The film rides the wave of the leftoid socio-political movement of the 90's, as already mentioned in this blog, with regards to La Haine and, similarly to the French film, this socio-political situation contributes greatly to its success, especially amongst certain circles.

Other themes present in the film are the anti-Clericalism, revealed with the summary execution of the priest culpable of exposing the militians to the Franquist; rudimentary feminism, given the fact that in the POUM, men and women fight together; and finally, the socialist matrix also appears, especially in the village assembly scene, where the peasants vote for the collectivization of the land. This scene is arguably one of the best of the entire movie; Loach's pursue of realism reaches its apex here. The camera loses its perspective, and plunges the viewer right into the live situation, and the dialogues are apt and poignant, also considering that most of the actors participating to this scene were non-professionals.


Expert Author Antonius Block

Italian horror master Argento's Opera is loosely based on The Phantom of the Opera. It's set in the 'Teatro Regio' in Parma, Italy, during the performance of Verdi's Macbeth. The opera is known to bring bad luck and the production of the film was indeed plagued by misfortunes, such as the death of Argento's father, while he was filming. The director returns here to the 'giallo' genre, after his so-called 'supernatural years', during which he presented us with masterpieces such as Deep Red, Suspiria and Phenomena. The lead role is played by the Spanish newcomer Christina Marsillach, who Argento defined the hardest actress he ever had to direct.

The score was composed by Brian Eno and Claudio Simonetti, the latter being a regular contributor to

Dario's films, and the heavy-metal music, which normally accompanies the murders in his movies, is one of the features that gained him heavy acclaim, and one of the reasons why his films have reached the status of cult. Probably, Opera is Dario Argento's last masterpiece, the following films to date revealing a mere shadow of his former glory, though still being high quality productions.

Argento is known for his cinematic flair, and we are not disappointed here; scenes beautifully composed, violent murders, accentuated here by the element of voyeurism, and some shots that will remain in the memory of the viewer, such as the key-hole murder shot. However, although Argento claimed that every shot and camera point of view were justified by a certain logic, we can't help suspecting that some of the visual choices in Opera are simply dictated by bravado. Nonetheless, the results are amazingly beautiful and proportioned, and the viewer will not be let down. Just think, doesn't it titillate you to watch bloody murders being committed right in front of you, while you are tied and have needles taped under your eyes, so you must watch? Yes, I thought so.


Expert Author Antonius Block

The Call of Cthulhu is a rather faithful representation of the infamous Lovecraft story, although, compared to the literary work, a few trivial changes can be noticed. It has been produced by the HP Lovecraft Historical Society (HPLHS), whose activities concern everything related to Lovecraft, mainly the associated live-action role playing game called Cthulhu Lives, but also include the production of films and music, and even the organization of dedicated film festivals, thus creating a Lovecraft film genre.

The director Leman, one of the founding members of the HPLHS, presents us with a black and white silent era-style work, 45 minutes long, loosely based on the German 20's and 30's silent cinema pioneers. We cannot hear any dialogue, and only part of it is written on the title cards; the original classical score, composed by Troy Sterling Nies, Ben Holbrook, Nicholas Pavkovic and Chad Fifer, is haunting and it not only complements the story well, but it adds to the whole feel beautifully.. The imitation of the medium of the old film was achieved through a technique the producers call Mythoscope, and the 1920's audio thanks to Mythoponic sound.

Many of his quasi-maniacal followers have claimed this is the best Lovecraft film adaptation ever made, faithful both to the story plot and its non-linear narration, and to the heavy, ominous atmosphere; a result, this, achieved thanks to the choice of producing a work such as could have been made at the time of the publication of the story, in 1926.

Apart from the silent film imitation and the story by Lovecraft, The Call of Cthulhu is a great horror film and fans of the genre will surely appreciate it for the dense and compelling atmosphere, rather than the gore, much like the modern Jap-horror films, such as Ringu and One Missed Call.


Expert Author Denise Federer

A variety of factors shape leaders' effectiveness, but one of the most undervalued might be leadership presence. This criterion - how you are perceived and accepted by others - can open limitless career opportunities, or derail even the most talented people from reaching their leadership goals. In essence, it's about your attitude, character, and behavior when no one is looking, transcending other measuring sticks such as technical ability and emotional intelligence.

Perfecting the following three elements is the key to enhancing your leadership presence:

  • Be fully aware and present
  • Lead from the middle
  • Communicate effectively with others

Being fully aware and present means having strong self-awareness, understanding how others see you, and realizing they start judging you the moment you enter the scene. It also includes successfully navigating the business culture - knowing what's normal and expected versus what's not well tolerated - as well as the official and unofficial hierarchies.

Leading from the middle means leveraging your power and influence through your interactions with peers and superiors, managing across, up, and down. Your leadership success can hinge on the trusted relationships you make by being predictable, consistent and accountable; knowing technical expertise will only take you so far; developing mutual respect; aligning your goals; and being authentic.

Communicating effectively with others means knowing the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication. Only 7% of communication is accomplished with actual words; a far greater percentage is based on body language (55%) and vocal qualities like tone, pitch, and pace of delivery (38%).

How you communicate has a lot to do with how you are perceived by others. The good news is that you can increase your leadership presence by focusing on your verbal and non-verbal communications skills.

Verbal communication:

  • Understanding differing communications styles, i.e., detail-oriented or big picture
  • Listening strategically, understanding others' priorities and "hot buttons"
  • Asking questions
  • Honing your conversational skills
  • Knowing which topics to avoid

Non-verbal communication:

  • Establishing 70% eye contact
  • Smiling
  • Using open gestures, i.e., palms up
  • Sitting or standing erect
  • Using a lower pitch voice
  • Speaking slowly and distinctively
  • Being aware of your entrance into a room
  • Giving a solid handshake

When you become aware of all the nuances in your own behavior as well as others', you can use them as a way gain respect and trust - two byproducts of leadership presence that can go a long way toward enhancing your career success.


Expert Author Denise Federer

You've probably heard the phrase "leaders aren't born, they're made." I certainly agree with that, and I've seen plenty of instances when people worked hard to become strong leaders, or did little or nothing and failed in leadership roles. There's no surefire path to leadership success, but there are steps you can take to enhance your chances of being a leader who flourishes.

Before you think about things like what your leadership style will be, or what kind of leadership presence you hope to have, you need embark on a behavioral change plan, completing the following five steps:

  1. Evaluate your readiness for change. This includes having a clear and specific vision about the type of leader you want to be, and understanding you may need to operate out of your comfort zone to get there. If you're not ready to stretch, you may need to revisit whether you're ready to change.

  2. Break down behavior that seems complex. Remember that all complex behavior is a bunch of simple behaviors combined, so drill down to separate your larger goal into "bite-sized" components. For instance, if you want to be more collaborative, you might schedule meetings with colleagues, focus on being more open-minded, and identify people who are collaborative and consider the behaviors required to be thought of as a collaborator.

  3. Just do it. Behavior is easier to change than feelings, so it makes sense to try a new approach and see what happens. In the best-case scenario, you get reinforcement, but in any case, you'll learn something that will help you down the line. You want to focus on completion rather than perfection.

  4. Shift your mental framework. Set a model for change by establishing SMART goals (specific, measurable, action-oriented, realistic, timely) and writing them down. It's been proven over and over again that when goals are written, they're more powerful and effective, as accountability rises.

  5. Assess your own motivations. Think about why you're making behavioral changes to enhance your leadership skills. For instance, if you want to be considered as a strong leader, think about the language you use. If you frequently use the phrase "I can't," reprogram yourself to use "I won't" instead. The former reflects weakness, while the latter represents a choice you've made.
  6. As with all behavior modifications, the ultimate goal is to incorporate new, helpful behaviors into your leadership style. When you accept this challenge wholeheartedly, the result will be an inspiring journey of self-awareness that can significantly boost your leadership aspirations.

Denise Federer, Founder & Principal at Federer Performance Management Group

Our core services include Family Business Consulting, Performance Coaching, Speaking Engagements, Financial Advisors Succession Planning, Leadership Development, Next Generation Planning and Team Building.


Expert Author Denise Federer

Having the opportunity to join a family business can be a dream come true or quite the opposite, a horrible nightmare. What I find is true for many children involved in family businesses is that they wished they'd done more "due diligence" before they came on board.

Some children feel lured by their parents to join the family business, and perhaps shortchanged because they were never able to realize their own dreams. Many children blossom under a parent's tutelage, while others wither. Family dynamics can be significantly affected as well; some families grow closer as a result of working side-by-side, and others get torn apart.

The tips presented below are meant primarily for children who aren't yet working at a family business, but they can also provide some food for thought for those who've already made that leap.

Before you join your family's business, ask yourself some important questions: Why are you doing it? Your motivation is important, whether it's for sentimental reasons, you want to own the business someday or you're passionate about what is being sold. Minus the proper motivation, i.e., fulfilling someone else's dream, you may be in for an unhappy work life.

  • What's expected of you? "Trust me" is not an appropriate response to a query about job specifics. Like any other employee, you need to have your pay, benefits, responsibilities and title spelled out in writing.

  • What's the "end game"? Will you have the chance to buy the business at some point, or will it be gifted to you? To ensure no misunderstandings occur, define ownership opportunities from the get-go.

  • What's your value proposition? Do you have the appropriate education and business acumen? It's best to gain industry experience by working for at least two years at another company, and it's also invaluable to learn entrepreneurial skills.

  • Will your ideas be heard? If you already have a hard time communicating with your parents, what makes you think things will be different in a business environment? You don't want to feel ignored or misunderstood at work.

If after some soul-searching, you decide to join the family business, be sure that transparency is maintained at all times. You also need to create boundaries, for instance, calling your parents by their first names rather than mom or dad.

Since your non-family colleagues will likely think you have an "in" with management, you have to work hard to show them you have to adhere to the same requirements they do. If you are named the heir apparent, it's even more important to gain respect, ideally by starting at the bottom and working your way up via your accomplishments-not your name.


Expert Author Rebecca Shelly

Finding a natural supplement for your dog is not difficult but first you must decide what you want the supplement to accomplish. Will the supplement be used for overall health and immunity, inflammatory conditions such as arthritis, urinary tract infections, injuries, or a combination of factors?

There are many natural supplements for dogs on the market today so it can be not only confusing knowing which one to choose, but to make matters more difficult for the consumer, many of the supplements are targeted towards a specific ailment or even combinations of ailments and not just overall health. So, unless you are a veterinarian many people feel overwhelmed by the selection.

Another concern when purchasing a natural supplement for your dog are drug interactions. If your dog is using any medication like Rimadyl, Etogesic, or Deramaxx for arthritis then you most surely want to make sure there are no interactions for the natural formula you are going to buy. You can speak with your vet or carefully read the full package disclosure. Most natural supplements made for pets can be used alone or with prescription medications but always check to be safe. The good news for you and your dog; ultimately the natural remedy can replace the need for harsh drugs.

As an example, arthritis and joint problems affect one in every five dogs, and giving them drugs like Rimadyl are not the only culprits that could be hurting our pets with side effects. Over the counter drugs like Ibuprofen or aspirin have side effects like vomiting, gastro-intestinal bleeding and ulcers. NSAID's are very toxic and can damage the kidneys and liver and they should never be given to a dog on any synthetic steroid hormone. On the other hand, glucosamine sulphate is an amino derivative of glucose which occurs naturally in supportive tissues. This is a great start, but there are formulas that include this and other ingredients to not only support muscles and joints for mobility and flexibility, but improve bone health and actually improve liver function. An added plus is the fact that the dosage is designed in curative amounts so you don't have to guess on the correct amount, especially if you bought a product made for humans.

A natural supplement for your dog, no matter what the health issue is, can be an excellent way to make sure they live a long and healthier life. It's not a bad idea to start early on while they are puppies with a multi-supplement to give them an advantage, but also make sure they have plenty of high quality dog food so they develop to their full potential. Hopefully they will be the four out of five that don't have mobility or other health issues in their senior years.


Expert Author Rebecca Shelly

Herpes, the painful skin blisters, that once acquired, are with you for the rest of your life! It's definitely not the best news and it can be emotionally and physically devastating. Having the virus is something that can be lived with but precautions need to be taken to prevent or minimize further outbreaks. As of this date there is no cure, and it's doubtful that they will ever find a herpes cure, but there are many things you can do to control outbreaks and prevent spreading the disease to others.

There are three types of herpes virus that are the most common:

Herpes simplex type 1 (HSV-1) is the typical cold sore variety that normally breaks out on the lips, mouth and face, although the virus can break out on the fingers, or in the eye causing "pink eye" or conjunctivitis. The virus can also (rarely) extend into the brain causing encephalitis or inflammation of the brain. The virus does spread by contact, either the sore or the fluid contained in the sore are highly contagious, although the virus can spread without any visible signs of a sore. It used to be thought that a person had to have an active case of herpes, but it was found not to be true. This virus can also cause genital herpes.

Herpes simplex type 2 (HSV-2) is the virus that usually causes genital herpes and is spread by sexual intercourse. The blisters erupt in the genital area leaving an ulcerated open sore, but symptoms vary from person to person. Condoms can reduce the risk of infection but not eliminate it. Blood tests are available but the most positive way to find out if you have genital herpes is to be seen by a doctor at the time of an outbreak. A sample can then be taken from the sore and it will be diagnosed in a lab.

Herpes zoster is the virus that causes chicken pox and shingles. Shingles usually develop in the adult years with people who have had chicken pox as a child. The virus is dormant in the body after chicken pox has long gone and then suddenly shows its face years later when you are suffering extended stress, using corticosteroids or using a class of drugs called immunosuppressants. These types of blisters cause long-term nerve damage and are usually found around your mid-section, lower part of your body, stomach area, or lower body; they can however show up in other areas of the body.

There are other types of the herpes virus but they are not as common as herpes simplex type 1 and 2. There is no medication available that can actually kill the virus in the nerve cells. Research is being done and the only prescription drugs available are acyclovir, valacyclovir, famciclovir, denavir, famvir, penciclovir, valtrex and zovirax. These drugs are not a herpes cure, but shorten the duration of the outbreak. The common drug side effects are upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, dizziness, tiredness, agitation, joint pain, hair loss and vision changes. More severe side effects are hives, rashes or blisters, itching, difficulty breathing or swallowing, swelling of the face, throat, tongue, lips, eyes, hands, feet, ankles, or lower legs, hoarseness, seizures, loss of consciousness, rapid heartbeat, trouble sleeping, fever, sore throat, chills, cough, abnormal bruising or bleeding, blood in the urine, stomach pain or cramps, bloody diarrhea, decreased urination, headache, hallucinations (seeing things or hearing voices that are not real), confusion, aggressive behavior, difficulty speaking, numbness, burning, or tingling in the arms or legs, temporary inability to move parts of your body, and, last but not least, uncontrollable shaking.

Taking these types of medications is not a herpes cure and they have an abundance of side effects like every prescription drug. To top it off, these drugs have the same success rate natural herpes remedies do as far as controlling and lessening the time of outbreaks. Also, after you no longer take these drugs it does not stop future outbreaks, these are lifelong medications.

The best way to prevent an outbreak is to strengthen your immune system. There are many people giving recommendations on various message boards which are worth a try because many of them work. Just also remember that everyone is different so it may take you awhile to find your pre-herpes regime. Remember, your body is your temple! Treat it well, and it will treat you well.

Basically the top recommendations and the closest thing to a herpes cure:

Eat a healthy diet, avoiding sugar, chemical sweeteners and alcohol. They suppress the immune system!

Take L-lysine 1000mg three times per day and eat foods high in lysine and low in arginine. Most vegetables and fruits, meats and fish are good choices. If too much arginine is consumed you most likely will have an outbreak. Foods highest in arginine which should be avoided are seeds, soy protein isolate and egg whites.

Reduce stress and anxiety. Many people feel a herpes attack coming on when they are very tired or stressed for a lengthy period, lowering your immune system functioning. As soon as you feel an outbreak coming, start the lysine, other supplements and a topical treatment. Try meditation, yogi, deep breathing, laughing, and listening to music, a massage, or a warm bath, before and during an outbreak.

Use herbal remedies topically which are antiviral, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant in nature like tea tree oil, neem oil, and clove oil. If they seem too strong and sting when applied, mix a drop with neutral oils (like almond) or a q-tip soaked in water which will dilute the concentration enough so as not to irritate.