Expert Author William T Batten
I'm not one who's too proud to jump on a trend. Anything popular is so for a reason. And, right now, tidying up is on everyone's minds. Thanks to Marie Kondo's Netflix thing, everyone is folding things and throwing away things.
But only those possessions that don't spark joy, of course. You thank them for their service before adding them to a heap of garbage.
Why, though? Cleaning is hardly new or exciting, so why is every home in the country looking a little barer than it was?
Well, part of it is the charm of Marie herself.
And phrases like "spark joy" and "thank them for their service" are sticky (they stick in your mind), portable (you can use them in thousands of contexts) and new (no one else is talking like this).
Plenty of people advocate minimalism. Words like these make a difference though.
Of course, the idea itself has plenty of appeal. Decluttering is a powerful ritual.
Because one of the principles your unconscious works on is everything is a metaphor. You might think you see the world for what it is. As any neuroscientist will tell you, your brain constructs your concept of reality out of signals, noise and guesswork.
And it's surprisingly bad at separating "real" information from imagined hallucinations. That's why daydreaming about something fun changes your physiology - your pupils dilate, your heart races, your breathing deepens, all preparing you for something that's only in your mind.
All that waffle tells us what, exactly?
Your environment influences your state. A cluttered, disorganised room creates a cluttered, disorganised mind.
Ask anyone who goes through this ritual. It's a liberating experience... but were your possessions oppressing you?
In a way, they were.
This principle works in reverse, too. If you declutter your mind, it influences your environment.
Not straight away and not in a wishful thinking, the Secret sort of approach.
It's more your mind is free to focus only on those thoughts that spark joy. Everything else, you can thank for its service.
Any form of mind training - whether you like hypnosis, meditation or something else - removes as much (if not more) than it adds. A blank slate can learn and adapt to its environment. We're not blank slates though - we have old routines running that hold us back.
An open mind is malleable, agile and flexible. A closed one will do whatever it can to preserve its boundaries.
So what's the best way to declutter your mind?
Meditation will get you there. A few years of dedicated practice and you'll be vast inside.
If you have a specific belief you'd like to get rid of, though?
Self-hypnosis is much faster. It's quicker and easier to learn, and once you master it, you can declutter your mind no matter where you are.
How fast is it?
Well, you shouldn't compare yourself to others. But for one satisfied client, all it took was 30 days. One month (give or take) to go from not knowing anything to being able to do incredible things.
With meditation, 30 days might get you comfortable with the basics. If you want real results like this, it's more like 30 months.
That's one of the reasons why the smart money is on self-hypnosis.


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